News & Updates

For the cost of $5 – or the cost of a cup of your morning coffee and a bagel – you can help two children acquire sound money management skills through our interactive classroom lesson with content provided by The...
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 AmazonSmile is a simple and automatic way for you to support NH Jump$tart every time you shop, at no cost to you! When you shop at, you’ll find the exact same low prices, vast selection and convenient shopping experience...
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DID YOU KNOW a 2-liter soft drink bottle will hold $700 worth of dimes when full? DID YOU KNOW that a 20 oz. water/soft drink bottle will hold $100 worth of dimes when full? How about a family activity where...
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  America Saves Week is coordinated by America Saves and the American Savings Education Council. Started in 2007, the Week is an annual opportunity for organizations to promote good savings behavior and a chance for individuals to assess their own...
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In partnership with the New Hampshire Society of Certified Public Accountants, we are excited to announce the Accounting on the Horizon Tour for Granite State High Schools! During these visits, young professionals from local CPA firms will sit down informally with...
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Have you dreamed of making history? Of course, we all have.  And now we have a chance to be a part of New Hampshire’s Day of Giving – an opportunity to unite our community around causes in which we truly...
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Over 150 entries were submitted for our first annual Art Contest for elementary school students! A panel of judges from Fidelity Investments reviewed all entries by grade level and 12 finalists were selected from all of the entries. Those 12 entries...
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We can all agree that we – collectively – are not reaching enough people with this important information and life-skill.   National Jump$tart announced recently  that we want to take action and are challenging you – our nation’s financial experts...
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After twelve years of being the New Hampshire Coordinator for the LifeSmarts program, the board of directors decided at our annual planning meeting not to continue in this role for the 2015-2016 academic year. This year, we have decided to...
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Thank you to all of the participants in this year’s Get 10 Virtual Quest! The list of the randomly selected winners who successfully answered all 10 questions correctly has been announced!  Each of them will receive a $50 Amazon gift...
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The New Hampshire LifeSmarts program, which builds a broad range of life skills for teenagers, has experienced substantial growth over its eleven years of existence.  The number of students actively participating in this state-wide educational program in 2015 has increased...
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This year’s teacher conference is going to be a little different than our previous MoneySmarts teacher conferences.  This year’s workshop will be a content-based teacher training using two content modules developed by the national Jump$tart Teacher Training Alliance. The Jump$tart...
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