The New Hampshire LifeSmarts program, which builds a broad range of life skills for teenagers, has experienced substantial growth over its eleven years of existence. The number of students actively participating in this state-wide educational program in 2015 has increased substantially since its introduction in 2003.
LifeSmarts is a successful nationwide program to improve the life skills of teenagers in several crucial topic areas, from personal finance to health and safety. NH Jump$tart made the commitment to bring LifeSmarts here twelve years ago because it is such a great fit for our mission to improve our children’s ability to make informed decisions and become successful adults. NH LifeSmarts is gaining in popularity thanks to our many tireless volunteers, such as LifeSmarts chairperson Theresa Huntley of RBC Wealth Management; the generosity of this year’s sponsors Santander Bank and the League of NH Credit Unions; and of course, the coaches and students who put in hours of time to learn the material.
The 2015 NH LifeSmarts Champions are students from Mascoma Valley Regional High School coached by Shawn Joyce. Team members Caleb Caraway, Garrett Albano, Ken Severance-Camp, Graeme Lambert and Raymond Gonzalez have now turned their attention to preparing to represent the Granite State at the LifeSmarts National competition in Seattle in April.
Pictures of the 2015 state championship can be viewed here.
Details abut our LifeSmarts program here.