Posts filed under: News

Over 150 entries were submitted for our first annual Art Contest for elementary school students! A panel of judges from Fidelity Investments reviewed all entries by grade level and 12 finalists were selected from all of the entries. Those 12 entries...
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We can all agree that we – collectively – are not reaching enough people with this important information and life-skill.   National Jump$tart announced recently  that we want to take action and are challenging you – our nation’s financial experts...
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After twelve years of being the New Hampshire Coordinator for the LifeSmarts program, the board of directors decided at our annual planning meeting not to continue in this role for the 2015-2016 academic year. This year, we have decided to...
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Thank you to all of the participants in this year’s Get 10 Virtual Quest! The list of the randomly selected winners who successfully answered all 10 questions correctly has been announced!  Each of them will receive a $50 Amazon gift...
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The New Hampshire LifeSmarts program, which builds a broad range of life skills for teenagers, has experienced substantial growth over its eleven years of existence.  The number of students actively participating in this state-wide educational program in 2015 has increased...
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This year’s teacher conference is going to be a little different than our previous MoneySmarts teacher conferences.  This year’s workshop will be a content-based teacher training using two content modules developed by the national Jump$tart Teacher Training Alliance. The Jump$tart...
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This is a Virtual Quest. Your mission (should you choose to accept it) is to prove your financial smarts. Your consumer savvy will be tested. You will be encouraged to cheat. (Well, sort of. We give you clues and encourage you...
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The 2015 NH LifeSmarts State Championship will be held on March 17 at the Manchester Community College in Manchester NH.  LifeSmarts is a unique consumer knowledge competition designed for teenagers in grades 9-12. New Hampshire Jump$tart is pleased to once...
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In commemoration of April as Youth Financial Literacy Month recently proclaimed by Governor Maggie Hassan, three New Hampshire high schools received a Governor’s Commendation for exceeding the state minimum requirements for its students with the additional graduation requirement of a...
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